Polar Code Course

Who is it for?




Chief Mate

This course is primarily designed for masters and chief mates but also for officers of the watch and interested shore personnel.
 The content explains, teaches and practices the operation of ships in polar latitudes. It is based on experience and a basic course. It highlights the additional regulations and necessities that go beyond SOLAS and MARPOL to cope with polar specifics and risks.
The course is based on the requirements according to STCW A-V/4-2.

Goals of the training


Understand the basics of ship structure, stability, subdivision, machinery systems, survival equipment, fire protection, voyage planning, routeing, navigation system and equipment, communications, pollution control, accountability, and SMS for various types of vessels making voyages in the high latitudes.


Take advantage of the experienced stuff; share experience with and gain experience from the course


Manage safe vessel operation in polar waters and conduct safe vessel operation in ice and with ice breakers

Ice knowledge

Understand properties of ice, ice dynamics and areas where different types of ice may occur.

Ship knowledge

Understand the performance of ships in ice and low air temperature

Legal basis

Working with the Polar Code Regulations & Standards

Emergency preparedness

First aid in hyperthermia, understanding the basics of firefighting and abandoning the ship in polar waters


Knowledge of working conditions is the designated area and means of mitigation. Preparation of the crew for the polar environment.

Environmental aspects

Understand the need to comply with legal environmental protection


Enlarge the skills to manoeuvre in polar waters safely

After passing the test successfully the German Maritime Admiration will issue the Polar Code Advanced certificate.
This is recognised by all flag states.