Polar Code Consultancy

Ships operating in polar regions and crews working in high latitudes have to be certified according to the Polar Code since 2017. The 'International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters' (Polar Code) has been adopted by the IMO and fully incorporated into national law.

The Polar Code recognizes that polar waters place additional requirements on ships and crews beyond those in SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW, as the polar characteristics differ from any other sea area. The Polar Code thus provides the framework for polar shipping in terms of safety, environmental protection and training.


Prerequisites for operating a vessel in the area of application of the Polar Code are:

Polar Ship Certificate

Polar Water Operational Manual

Crew Certificates

How to get a Polar Ship Certificate

The ship operator will receive a Polar Ship Certificate after submitting an operational and risk assessment to the flag state. Proofing the polar suitability of the safety-relevant parts and equipment by an equipment review may be necessary, dependant on the kind of operation.

We offer:

FL Polar Operation GmbH offers Polar Code Services from the beginning of the certification to the training of the crew holistically. We advise and support the certification of vessels according to the Polar Code, assist in the preparation of the PWOM and accompany the vessel on the voyage as ice pilots.

We advise and support all activities from the "operational assessment" to the application for the certificate.

Operational assesment

Analysis of the area of operation

Determining theaverage minimum temperature against which the ship's capabilities are measured

Finding the appropriate 'polar class'

Risk Assesment

Advice and support in the preparation of the risk analysis and assessment

Equipment review

Review of equipment and ship design

Implementation of the necessary design and organizational measures, selection of equipment

Create PWOM

Writing the Polar Water Operational Manual

Polar Ship Certificate

Applying for the Polar Ship certificate